How Do I Find The Total Reach Of My AdWords Campaign For Last Month?


I’m Aaron Opfell, founder and owner of Searchermagnet. A boutique digital marketing agency. I’m  on the internet answering your questions about internet marketing. Do you have a question? Email to and I will answer it. Today’s question comes to us from Holly. Holly asks, how do I find the total reach of my AdWords campaign for last month? Okay Holly, So by reach, that’s an old school marketing term define as reaches, putting your hands around something. You asks, Adwords type of advertising. What reaches have impact was that have. So in adwords that is a, that is called an impression. Impressions. Everytime someone see or is exposed to an ad in Google search that is one impression. So the total amount of impression, the total amount of people exposed to the ad, is the reach. So if you are in Adwords, how do you find this is you go to the upper right hand corner, there is a drop down, you wanted to set-up the date range, they have the drop down for last month. Or you gonna do the first and end of the month. Click go and when the default comes to the impressions, very bottom line you’ll see the total amount of impressions. That’s the total amount of people that where reached by your adwords campaign in the last month. Add those campaigns together, it’s total reach. There you go holly. That’s how you find the total reach of your Adwords campaign. Thanks and see you next time.