
Guaranteed PPC

Any PPC Agency can guarantee impressions, clicks, calls or leads. But why settle for less when we’ll guarantee SALES Results?

We do ask that you commit to our standards and practices. But when you do, we guarantee you’ll achieve contracted sales results, or we work for free.  No results, no retainer. We have your best interests at heart, guaranteed.  

How we Guarantee PPC

We guarantee you’ll hit your sales goals, if you agree to the following terms:

Initial Standards

  • Must have a professional logo, written branding guidelines and trade dress.
  • Must have a CRM with stage conversion reporting
  • Must have multichannel call tracking
  • Must have a written explicit definition of Qualified Lead and Sales
  • Must have defined sales process
  • Must have sales stage conversion KPI’s
  • Must have a video presence
  • Must have customer reviews and testimonials
  • Must not have any negative reputation including less than 4/5 Yelp reviews
  • Must not have any negative press that is ranking for brand terms
  • Must have brand name trademarked and registered for protection with Google / Bing
  • Must have a competitive landing page system that converts at 20%
  • Must have automated followup and nurture campaigns
  • Must define and agree to guaranteed goals in writing.

Ongoing Practices

  • Must commit 20% of overall marketing budget to branding campaigns
  • Must commit 10% of overall marketing budget to testing
  • Turn over full control campaign control of schedules, ad copy settings etc with 90 days notice of any changes
  • 18 month commitment
  • Must maintain CRM access to SM
  • Must contact form fill leads within 5 minutes on average
  • Must answer 95% of inbound calls and connect to a sales agent 90% of the time with less than 60 seconds of hold time
  • Must have a training and coaching program for underperforming  sales agents
  • Must maintain positive brand reputation or engage reputation management
  • Must report sales stage conversion monthly by lead source to SM
  • Must report sales revenue by lead source
  • Point of contact must be available at least 3 hours per month by web meeting.  

If your company meets Standards & Practices, then:

  • After a 6 month grace period, SM will guarantee 100% of of fees. If in any month the sales results drop below the agreed target then SM will refund it’s fee for that period.

Run your campaigns using Searcher Magnet’s PPC Best practices.

Hit sales goals, or you don’t pay.



    james sharp - Guarantee

    “SearcherMagnet’s PPC audit revealed millions of dollars in wasted ad spend. SearcherMagnet took the time to deeply understand our concerns, then fixed our entire lead generation platform from landing pages, to measurement all the way to CRM. They work like an outsourced CMO, deeply integrated into our business, collaborating with my compliance officer and marketing manager. They even worked directly with my loan officers on lead quality – I’m told by some of our veterans these are the best leads in 10 years. All told, they’ve reduced my PPC cost per funded loan 521.48% so far. Sold.”

    rj - Guarantee
    Business Development Executive

    “Commercial real estate development is stuck in past, but Tri-Land Properties vision was of a digital future. So we were pleasantly surprised with how SearcherMagnet’s consulting sort of brought the future to us. We do many things in house, but we’ve been happy to hand off the details web design, facebook ads, adwords ads, landing pages, and research to the SearcherMagnet execution team. They help us pave the future of the digital commercial real estate market for Tri-Land.”