35 Reasons Why Mortgage Lenders Should Consider PPC Advertising

35 Reasons Why Mortgage Lenders Should Consider PPC Advertising

The future of mortgage marketing is digital. Gone are the days when you have to list your business on yellow pages or pay for print ads to get your brand seen by your target customers. In this digital age, people can easily find businesses with just a few clicks of a button. This online transformation provides both challenges and advantages to mortgage companies. Without knowing how to promote your business online and dominate internet searches, businesses can suffer from inconsistent leads and poor cash flow. Since lead generation and sales serve as the backbone of mortgage businesses, it is important to utilize a marketing strategy that boosts your business to its true potential.

In this blog post, we will learn about PPC advertising, an internet marketing model that has been changing the game for mortgage companies.

Below are the many reasons why you should implement PPC advertising in your overall marketing game plan:

1. Google Is The Biggest Search Engine

The most obvious reason why you should invest in PPC Ads is that 92% of internet users use Google to search for products and services online. It is the most popular search engine in the world, processing approximately 63,000 searches a second. In this digital age, most consumers prefer to conduct an internet search before making a purchase.

Mortgage borrowers are typing their search queries on Google and browsing the top websites shown in search results. PPC Ads allow your business to appear on top of Google search results and promote it to your targeted leads. Businesses that appear on the first page of search results pages have a higher probability to generate more traffic and boost more sales.

2. PPC Ads Deliver Instant Results

Compared to other digital marketing methods, running pay-per-click ads provide immediate results. Social media marketing takes a lot of time to give you results. It will require a creative team to build your social media pages, produce graphics, write content, and manage various platforms. Aside from consuming tremendous time, it also involves a collaborative effort of graphic designers, writers, and social media managers.

Though Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has the same goal as PPC advertising, it takes months to see results. With SEO, you have to optimize content, fix technical errors, and constantly check your website performance. With PPC, you can run ads instantly and get faster results.

3. PPC Ads Make Your Business The First Option

On average, you will see 10 websites on the first page of Google search results. With 71-92% of web traffic generated from the first page of Google, businesses are competing to get their name on top. Businesses that appear on the third to tenth pages of Google have lower chances of getting more clicks and conversions. This is because most people trust the first page of Google SERPs and will not waste time digging multiple pages.

Since PPC Ads are shown on the first page of Google, they simply tell internet users that your website is one of the best results for their queries. With this, your website gets more attention and web visitors will likely prioritize checking you out before finding other options.

4. PPC Advertising Is An Effective Short-term Tactic

If you are just starting your mortgage lending company and have a limited budget, PPC advertising is the way to go. It will be hard for you to set up a social media page and beat your competitors who already have existing 10,000 followers. That will take time and resources.

With PPC Ads, you can put your business in fair competition. It allows you to create ads and launch campaigns instantly without the need to do other online activities. Once you get your ads approved, you can push them live right away and reach your prospective buyers.

5. PPC Ads Pull Quality Traffic

Compared to all web traffic sources, Google Ads brings the best traffic. This is because people are already taking the initial step of the buying journey. The traffic on search engines comes from people who are actively searching for a product or solution. It is different from social media traffic where you create posts that encourage the audience to click on something. This means that you don’t need to push promotions and persuade people to buy. When people are searching on Google, they already have an intention of buying. Search traffic pulls quality and interested leads, giving you higher chances of converting them into customers.

6. PPC Ads Boost Website Traffic

Getting on top of Google search results using organic methods takes years. It involves a ton of content creation, A/B testing, website updates, and troubleshooting. If you recently had your website built, you want to make a strong first impression and stand out from your competitors. PPC advertising allows your business to be seen by potential customers when they are searching for relevant terms.

Even if your website is not performing well in organic rankings, you can still promote your business and get found by interested customers online. When people click on your ads and arrive at your landing pages, it is your opportunity to convert them into paying customers.

7. PPC Site Visitors Are More Likely To Convert

Leads that come from internet search traffic give you higher chances of making a sale. By positioning your brand on search engines, you are increasing your reach and sales profitability. With PPC ads, you do not need to do any hard-selling techniques to convince your buyers. Instead, you can tell them what the next steps are, and guide them down to your sales funnel. Search traffic delivers the best conversion rates and converts 50% better than organic traffic. Other sales tactics such as social media messaging and email drip sequences make you deal with cold leads. In PPC advertising, each lead is a hot lead who is ready to buy your products and services.

8. You’ll Only Pay For Clicks

PPC stands for the “pay-per-click” fee model. This means that businesses only pay for each click received rather than the whole campaign set-up. When you look at other marketing methods, no one has the feature and flexibility that the PPC model provides. In most cases, you will have to invest upfront to create and launch advertisements. If your ads work great, then you can continue to scale. However, if the results are not successful, consider it a loss in ad spending. Using the pay-per-click model, you can minimize risks and pay only when someone clicks on your ad.

9. You Can Control PPC Advertising Spend

The good thing about PPC Ads is that there are no lock-in restrictions. The Google advertising program allows advertisers to make changes to the campaigns if they are not performing well. You have complete freedom to stop them if you want to. How much are you willing to spend on your online advertising efforts? With PPC advertising, you can set a fixed budget and keep the ads running until the budget is all consumed. Also, you can control the maximum ad spend per day and Google will automatically run the campaigns according to your budget – nothing more, nothing less. With flexibility in budget spending, you can test and optimize your strategies without spending too much money.

10. PPC Ads Are Not Dependent On Algorithm Changes

An algorithm is a set or sequence of systems and rules designed to deliver an outcome or result. For example, if you are doing SEO, you need to follow the best content marketing practices when it comes to content creation and website optimization. That might involve researching keywords, performing competitor analysis, inserting backlinks, and more. In social media marketing, a successful post also follows specific rules such as character count, image sizes, and hashtags.

In PPC Ads, you do not have to worry about algorithm changes as they will not be able to affect your campaign performance. There is no need to check previous metrics and changes. Instead, you can just focus on the essential factors that affect PPC performance which include your bid, expected CTR, ad relevance, and landing page.


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