Landing Page AB Testing

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In highly competitive industries, it’s simply not enough to have a beautifully designed and expertly developed landing page. There are many psychological traits that your audience has that are very hard to measure and design for if you don’t know about them. At SearcherMagnet our whole philosophy is that results can be best achieved through testing. So what is landing page AB Testing? First of all, what is an AB Test? An AB Test is two variables against one another, preferably simple enough that they can be easily isolated and controlled. A great example is headlines. Let’s say you have a headline for your product, and you have a slightly different headeline that you’re wondienrg “Would this make my product sell better?” Fortunately this is a very easy thing to test. You can run at test where the only difference is the page title. You can measure time on page, cost per conversion, amount of conversions and many other metrics as reliable indicators of whether that choice was a good one.

A common pitfall we find decision makers falling into is that they know exactly what their consumer wants in all aspects of an ad campaign. If you have a large amount of experience in your field, and you’ve done a lot of research, focus groups, etc., you will have an excellent understanding of your demographic. However, split testing allows you to get an even better understanding. Controlled landing page AB test can systematically test many different areas of the landing page to see how they affect your traffic. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Page headlines
  • Page copy
  • Images
  • Different videos
  • Different form buttons
  • More or fewer form questions
  • Colors
  • Layout
  • Styling
  • And more

This is done through a real-time AB testing software.

Other services that we provide for landing page optimization include click heat maps. A click heat map is a very simple way of seeing where people are clicking on your design. It may yield valuable insights such as a lot of your traffic is clicking on your trust logos. It can also show that they’re clicking on parts of the page that are aren’t relevant. Or it can provide closing feedback and show that they are clicking on the parts of the page that are relevant like the “Form Submit” button.

Another option is surveys. We use a survey platform that is capable of reaching hundreds of thousands of people for a cost as low as 10 cents per survey. These surveys can offer written feedback about your page. We can help you create the survey and ask the individual taking it questions about what their experience was, what they thought was interesting about the page, what their eyes were first drawn to, what they liked and didn’t like about the page, if the page felt trustworthy, and the list goes on. This information, while subjective, is a great complement to the other testing services that we provide.

Focus groups are also an old-school marketing approach to digital technology. You first must identify your demographic, such as 18-25 year old females. We put together new person focus groups where we will pull up the page on an iPad or computer, and we actually watch their reactions and ask them questions. It is much like the survey, except it’s a much smaller scale and much more personal. There’s a great deal more human interaction.

All of these landing page optimizations have pros and cons. Some have more cost than others. Some can be deployed in as little as five minutes, others can take weeks. But it is our position that your landing page can never be the best it can be unless it has undergone rigorous AB testing. Only through testing with live traffic and in a true AB format can you ever achieve a fully optimized landing page.

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