Here’s What To Expect When You Hire a Paid Search Marketing Agency

Now that you have found a company you trust to provide you with paid search advertising campaigns, you are probably wondering what comes next. Your paid search marketing agency is going to set out on a quest to deliver you results – as in, visitors to your site, and hopefully conversions. It may take some time, but if you have chosen an experienced paid search marketing agency, you can expect good things in the coming months.

The Process Of Building Your Ad Campaign

A great paid search advertising campaign is not built in a day. It’s the result of a process. When you hire your paid search marketing agency, you are taking the first step of the process. The next steps will go something like this:

Understanding Your Business

Every business is different, with various strengths and selling points. Any paid search marketing agency that is effective in its work understands this, and will take the time to understand your business before it kicks off a paid search advertising campaign.

Usually this will involve an initial meeting, interviews with key individuals and maybe some follow-up sessions for gathering more information. You may need to answer a questionnaire or two as well. This can seem tedious if you are a busy person, but rest assured that it is worthwhile.

Do your best to answer honestly and thoroughly all the questions that the paid search marketing agency asks you. The better they understand your company, the more effective they can make the advertising.

Setting Expectations

As part of the introduction process, the agency will explain what you can expect from them. This will include a time-line, defining metrics that you and the agency will be using to measure success, and a setting of your expectations.

Building your brand and increasing the effectiveness of your advertising is a process of trial and error. Your PPC agency will use its experience and proven techniques to make a best guess at what the market will respond to. If the initial effort does not yield the expected result, then adjustments will be made and the campaign adjusted. It may take a few attempts before the formula that works for your particular business is discovered.

Fortunately, paid search marketing is one area of advertising where performance is easy to measure. If you are getting clicks from visitors that are interested in your offering, you know what the agency is doing is working.

Creating The Paid Search Program

Once all the information is gathered, the agency will get to work building the search program. Each agency does things a little differently, but all good agencies will adhere to industry best practices when creating your specific program.

When the program is ready to launch, the agency will check with your to get the go-ahead. You will be presented with all the ads, and sometimes several versions to choose from. Anything you are unhappy with, or want changed, can be done before the program goes live.


With your OK, the program will go live. Upon launch, the agency will be watching the campaign closely to measure what is working, and what is not. Sometimes you will see great results immediately, other times it can take a few weeks or even months for the advertising to fully hit its stride.

Whether the initial effort hits the mark, or if things need to be altered to hit the sweet spot, in the end you will be happy with your decision to hire a paid search marketing agency. You have chosen a proven advertising channel that will yield positive and measurable results.