Adwords Lead Generation

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While trying to grow, many service businesses pick up the phone and call a lead provider or broker to purchase new leads to increase sales. This is wrong. Purchasing leads is near-sighted. Money spent in leads is not an investment; it does not increase the value of your brand and it does not grow the equity in your company. When you purchase leads, you’re giving up control over where and how those leads are generated, and they are produced under someone else’s brand and marketing umbrella. Purchased leads are not an asset. The value of a purchased lead expires in about five minutes. Past that point, it will be difficult to get them on the phone and later email campaigns will have a high bounce rate and a high amount of spam complaints. The list that you generate becomes colder than an icebox and holds no future value. Contrast vended leads with Adwords lead generation. In a lead generation model, it is your campaign, your website and your brand name being shown to the customer at every stage of the purchasing funnel. At no point do you lose control of the message or the offer. Oftentimes, third party lead brokers will encourage their data sources to be as aggressive and even misleading as possible in order to generate your leads. Since the lead broker has no incentive to disclose this information to you, you would never know.

Adwords lead generation allows unmatched control of your marketing campaigns. By partnering with an Adwords certified professional, you can satisfy the needs of your entire sales force with hot, fresh, real-time leads that are under 100% exclusive ownership of your company. When dealing with lead brokers they will often say that because of their volume and the other parties that they deal with they are able to “cut out the middleman” and offer you the lowest and best price. While this may be true, it is often at the expense of exclusivity. Are your leads being sold twice, three times? Are leads that you purchased resold three days later as “aged leads”? You cannot tell, and your only indication that this is happening is that your conversion rate goes down and therefore your ROI goes down. Through an Adwords lead generation campaign, you can guarantee that all calls and leads generated are 100% exclusive and do not leave your company. Furthermore, with a proper strategy and a direct-response optimized Adwords lead generation campaign, you can often achieve lower cost-per-lead than you would purchasing these leads from a lead broker. After all, lead brokers do mark up as much as 200%. When dealing with an Adwords certified professional, your only cost is the cost to manage the campaign. There is no hidden cost inserted into the sale of the leads that you’re not aware of. At SearcherMagnet, we believe in disclosure and trust as the foundation for any Adwords lead generation campaign. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.

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