Landing Page AB Testing

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In highly competitive industries, it’s simply not enough to have a beautifully designed and expertly developed landing page. There are many psychological traits that your audience has that are very hard to measure and design for if you don’t know about them. At SearcherMagnet our whole philosophy is that results can be best achieved through …

Adwords Coaching

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Have you ever wondered how AdWords coaching can help you realize the ROI performance that you desire on your AdWords account? Effective AdWords coaching works no different than professional sports, such as the role of the coach in the NBA or NFL. A good coach is patient, methodical, a great trainer, and highly knowledgeable and …

Adwords Analysis

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Adwords analysis is the basis for all Adwords optimization. Adwords analysis is heavily based on reporting features. When starting Adwords analysis, there is one thing to keep in mind: What is the goal of the analysis? Are you trying to achieve lower cost? Is it to measure Adwords against objectives? Whatever the goal, it’s important …